<% server.scripttimeout = 600 set aspen = getobject("java:com.edge1.publisher3.http.asp.HttpASP") initiated = aspen.initiate if aspen.getsession("admin") is nothing then %> <% Response.End() else set adminuser = aspen.getsession("admin") end if if not initiated then response.redirect "error.asp?er=Couldnotload" end if set dbcon = aspen.getRuntime().getDBConnection() set runtime = aspen.getRuntime() set tools = aspen.getadmintool() set config = aspen.getRuntime().getConfig() aspen.setsession "LastPage"+aspen.getQueryString("mod"),aspen.getCurrentURL() dim usebases dim curpt set cnode = config.getNode("Module("+aspen.getQuerystring("mod")+")") usebases = false Checkoutaccess = true set curpt = aspen.findNavigationPoint() if curpt is nothing then usebases = true else if curpt.getEntity().getEntityType().isRequiresCheckout then Checkoutaccess = false if not curpt.getEntity().getCheckedOutBy() is nothing then if adminuser.ID = curpt.getEntity().getCheckedOutBy().ID then Checkoutaccess = true end if end if end if end if dim canedit dim statlev if not usebases then canedit = dbcon.checkTypeAccess(curpt.getentity().getEntityType(),adminuser,"canedit") statlev = dbcon.loadAdminStatus(adminuser,cstr(curpt.getentity().statuslevel.ID)) else canedit = true statlev = 2 end if if not usebases then if not dbcon.entityTypeIsFolder(curpt.getEntity().getEntityType()) then response.redirect ("editentity.asp"+curpt.getPebbleQuery()+"&mod="+aspen.getQueryString("mod")) end if end if if not usebases then currentpage = "ViewFolder.asp"+curpt.getpebblequery()+"&mod="+aspen.getQueryString("mod") else currentpage = "ViewFolder.asp?mod="+aspen.getQueryString("mod") end if displayspecial=tools.isSpecialBarDisplayed(aspen,adminuser) if not usebases then if not tools.locationAllowed(curpt, cnode, adminuser) then canedit=false editstatus=false editaccess=false CheckoutAccess=true %> <% response.end() end if end if %> Entry Contents <%found = false%> <% loadScript = "" if aspen.getForm("useraction") = "Delete" then found = true wimage = "filedelete.gif" wmessage = "Please Wait, Deleting Selected Files..." end if if aspen.getForm("useraction") = "Paste" then found = true wimage = "filemove.gif" wmessage = "Please Wait, Pasting Selected Files..." end if if aspen.getForm("useraction") = "CopyClip" then found = true wimage = "filemove.gif" wmessage = "Please Wait, Adding Selected Files To Clip Board ..." end if if aspen.getForm("useraction") = "PasteClip" then found = true wimage = "filemove.gif" wmessage = "Please Wait, Adding Selected Files To Folder ..." end if if aspen.getForm("useraction") = "DelClip" then found = true wimage = "filedelete.gif" wmessage = "Please Wait, Removing Files From Clip Board ..." end if if aspen.getForm("useraction") = "Lock" then found = true wimage = "filedelete.gif" wmessage = "Please Wait, Locking Selected Files ..." end if if not found then wmessage = "Please Wait, Loading..." wimage = "working.gif" end if if aspen.getForm("useraction") <> "" then %> <% end if %>

<% ShowClipBoard = false function drawClipEntity(navp,selname,selval,displaysubs) if navp.isValid() = true and navp.exists(dbcon) then set entity = navp.getEntity() set statlev = entity.statusLevel canedit = dbcon.checkTypeAccess(entity.entitytype,adminuser,"canedit") candelete = dbcon.checkTypeAccess(entity.entitytype,adminuser,"candelete") canstatus = dbcon.loadAdminStatus(adminuser,cstr(statlev.ID)) if canstatus > -1 then set grps = dbcon.loadEntityGroups(entity.getEntityType())%> <% if (canstatus > 0 and (canedit or candelete)) then %> <%else%> <% end if %>
<% if grps.size() > 0 then %> Open Children List <%else%> <% end if %> <% if (canstatus > 0 and canedit) then %> " title="<%=replace(entity.getExtendedDescription(),"""","`")%>"><%=entity.getTitle()%> <%else%> <%=entity.getTitle()%> <% end if %>
<%=entity.statuslevel.name%> <%=entity.entitytype.name%> <%=entity.getLastModifiedDateString()%> <%if grps.size() >0 then %> <% end if end if end if end function function inClipBoard(navp, clipboard) if (clipboard.indexof(navp) <> -1) then inClipBoard = true else inClipBoard = false end if end function function nestadd(etype,levstr) set subs = dbcon.loadsubtypes(etype).elements() do while subs.hasmoreelements() set et = subs.nextelement() set access = tools.checkTypeAccess(et,adminuser) if access.canadd = 1 then if levstr <> "" then %>